
Join Nostrabod

Affiliate Program

Share nostrabod with your readers, viewers and customers and earn unlimited commissions

How it works

1. Commission rate: 45% of each referred subscriber.

2. Duration: Commission valid for the first 12 months of each referred subscriber.

3. Bonus:

For every 100 Classic referred subscribers maintained for 1 year, an additional $500 bonus will be awarded to the affiliate.

For every 100 Premium referred subscribers maintained for 1 year, an additional $1,500 bonus.

For 1,000 referred subscribers maintained for 1 year, a 3% lifetime commission for each referred subscriber will be paid to the affiliate.

For 5,000 referred subscribers maintained for 1 year, a 5% lifetime commission will be paid to the affiliate.

For 10,000 referred subscribers maintained for 1 years, a 10% lifetime commission will be paid to the affiliate.

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